I'm Laura and I'm a custom Newborn and Child photographer based in Perth, Scotland.
These days I rarely walk past a family without seeing them in pictures, without dreaming up the moments they might share in front of my lens. I wish to photograph them all. I have never entered any competitions. My awards are the tears of my clients when they see their images for the first time. My degree is in my failures, sweat and tears (oh so many tears). Because of these, I feel accomplished and my heart is always full.
I can show you “that thing” that everyone says you’ll miss so much when your children are all grown up. You don’t have to wait until it’s gone to see it; you can hold it in your hands, gaze at it on your walls and live in those perfect little moments any time you want to. This is your story and it’s one worth remembering, no matter how fast the world is spinning around you..
I eat, sleep and breathe photography. I love life. Being a photographer is my dream job and I jump out of bed everyday excited to keep living the dream.
I’m a self- confessed perfectionist.
I usually do all my editing listening to Alanis Morissette and I can easily spend the best part of my day editing one image. It’s always so worth it though..
I drink far too much coffee.
I love blogs. I read them daily.
I don’t watch TV.
I am, regrettably, a bit addicted to social media.
I can’t wait to meet you!